Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.

Yet another wafer map...

The x's represent specific locations of defects in the wafer.
Notice that some of the defects are random, and some follow a
pattern like the arc of a circle (probably left during the 
buffing/processing of the wafer).

In this wafermap, the "grid" of black boxes is done using gmap.
The gray circle is done using an annotated polygon.
And the x-markers are done using annotated 'x' characters.

I have added html charttip/flyover-text to the black gmap boxes
using gmap's html= option and the title= tags.

I have added html charttip/flyover-text to the annotated x's
using the html= variable in the annotate data set (and the title=
tags in that variable).

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