Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.

The website has a chart like this that is updated
on a regular basis.  Here I provide a 'generalized' sas/graph 
program that could easily be used to generate this plot...

First I create a sas data set with some plausibly-real data in
it for a few days of readings.  Then I use an sql query to subset
the data and pick the observations for the desired days and zipcode 
(this sql query could easily be run against a sas/share server, 
or a database such as oracle via sas/access).

I then lookup the city & state for the zipcode, using info in
the sashelp.zipcode data set.

I create an annotate data set to draw a circle at the top of 
each bar, with the pollen count in the middle of the circle.
Notice that instead of the usual x/y annotate coordinates, 
I use midpoint/y (since this is a bar chart).  I also annotate
the day-of-week above each bar.  

I create another annotate data set to annotate the high/med/low
labels to the left of the chart.

I use a blank title2 with a large height (h=15pct) to add some
white-space to annotate the logo image (using the
annotate 'image' function).

To draw the bar chart, I use gchart 'vbar', and then specify 
all the annotate data sets.

I annotate the darker reflines.

Also, I use the gchart 'html=' to code in html charttip/flyover-text,
so that when you mouse over the bars you see the date and pollen 

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