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This is a sas imitation of a plot from p. 81 of Stephen Few's
book "Show me the Numbers".

This is actually a gplot line plot, rather than a gchart bar chart.
I use the line interpol=needle, which draws a line from the marker 
down to the axis -- if you also make the line very thick, it looks
like a bar.  This allows me to overlay 2 'bars' right on top of 
each other (I make the 2nd bar a little less thick than the 1st one).

The first bars (light gray/behind ones) are plotted by the 'plot'
statement, and the second bars (the darker gray/front ones) are plotted
by the 'plot2' statement.  The plot2 allows me to have a 2nd axis
on the right-hand side.

I use an axis statement to make the haxis (horizontal axis) very clean
and blank, and I use a title statement to fake a legend.

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