Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


Used 'goptions device=actximg' so I could get images on 3d bars (cylinders),
so they'd kinda look like bottles.  dev=gif can only put images on 2d 

The image in the background is done using "goptions iback="

Each cylinder/bar has a charttip & drilldown (the drilldown 
goes to the tabasco home page - alternatively it could be set up
to go to a page with info about that particular kind of sauce,
or maybe a page to buy that kind of sauce).

The horizontal axis labels are turned at a 45 degree angle 
using the value=(angle=)) in the axis statement.  Notice that
Habanero has the tilde above the n (some other fonts may, 
or may not, support this character).

The title has an html drilldown/link, created by using the link=
in the title statement.

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