Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


After the Fall 2006 elections, Fran Miles sent me the following links
to some info about the vote ...


Darrell Massengil had an ESRI shape file of the voting precincts,
so I decided to try to put the data together with the map.
(Note that the map is not guaranteed to be 100% current with 
the data - it might be a couple years old.)


I used v9.2 "proc mapimport" to read in the ESRI map into a SAS
dataset which "proc gmap" can use.

I used "proc import" to read in the excel spreadsheet(s) of 
election data.

I merged the vote count data with the polling-places data,
so that I could add some text description about the polling
places when I plot the map.  I use gmap's html= option to 
display this info as html charttips/rollover-text.

I do my own "binning" of the data so I can split the bins
exactly where I want (in particular, I definitely wanted 
to have a split for above/below 50 percent).

When the 'yes' votes were less than 50%, I make those shades of red,
and above 50% (ie, the vote passing) I make those shades of green.

The bond vote seemed to have a higher acceptance rate in the 
urban/city areas (Raleigh & Cary), and found more opposition
in the rural/outlying areas.


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