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This is the sas/graph version of the graph from the back cover of the
10nov2006 "Science" magazine.  (note that I didn't have the actual data,
so I just made up some similar data for this proof-of-concept).

The original plot was similar to the one in this paper, but was in color
and a little fancier ... MAGH107.pdf

Here's some text from the magazine/ad, describing what's shown in the plot:

"Isolation of human CD105 cells from ficolled PBMCs using R&DSystems 
MagCellect Human CD105 Cell Isolation Kit.  Inset shows cells before 
isolation.  Histograms reflect all viable cells stained with Anti-

I created these graphs using sas/graph "proc gplot", using the "area"
option to shade the area under the line.  (Alternatively, I could have
used a gplot 'needle' interpolation, if I had data dense enough so that
the needles/bars were touching.)  The plot would look a little better
with more data points, but it's "painful" to estimate so many plausibly-
real data points for a proof-of-concept :)

The small 'inset' graph was placed there using "proc greplay", and 
a custom greplay template.

The horizontal axis tickmark labels are hard-coded, to do the super-
scripted 10**power.  The log scale on the horizontal axis is 
controlled by the axis statement.

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