Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


For this example, I collected information about all the scout camps in 
NC from the following website, by copy-n-pasting
the info into a spreadsheet.  

I then used "proc import" to read the spreadsheet into a SAS data set.

I then parse out some info from the address field(s), and use the 
zipcode to lookup the longitude/latitude in the sashelp.zipcode
data set.

With the longitude/latitude, I can annotate markers onto maps.county.
(To annotate markers in the correct location, the annotate & map must
be in the same coordinate system, and you must 'gproject' them 

I add a few extra special-touches, such as annotating a black shadow
behind the map, and also I annotate strips of color benind the map to 
give it a shaded/gradient look.  Then I annotate camping images along the 
bottom edge of the gif (the images have a transparent background, so 
they "blend in" with the gradient background of my map - this support 
of transparency is a new v9.2 feature).

One special thing about the markers - they are created by using a
gif image with a transparent background (a new v9.2 feature).  They
are actually created by overlaying a red marker on top of a slightly
larger black marker.

Since there can be multiple camps per city, each marker 
represents a city, and when you click on the marker it jumps to an
html "anchor" where there's a table showing all the camps in
that city - you can then click on the camp you want, to launch
a google search for info about that camp.  I inserted a lot of
space between the tables, so that you would only see the table for
one city (ie, the city you have drilled-down on) at a time.

The map surface area is shaded by the Scout District - this is done
using the good-old standard gmap "choro" map techniques, and controlling
the colors with pattern statements.  A legend is shown for the district 

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