Click here to see the SAS code.
Click here to see the example.


Note: This technique requires a lot of manual 'tweaking' to get the
bars and lines/markers to line up.  It might be better to annotate the
line onto the bar chart, rather than greplaying a gplot.
Or, use the new v9.2 "proc gbarline".


Added 'noframe' option on the gchart and gplot.
Added color=white to axis statements.

Added a title2 to add blank space on right of graph, 
for the annotated labels.

Moved titles & footnote so they come before both the gchart and the gplot,
so they'll line up with the same spacing.

Got rid of "length=60 cells offset=(6,6) cells" in axis1,
and added "offset=(10,10)" (using default 'pct' units).

Changed width and space to 10 for the bars.
You have to manually tweak this, so they'll line up with the line markers.

Got rid of the 'noaxis' gchart option.

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