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Changed a bunch of hard-coded style='swiss' to style=''
so they'd use the ftext font .

Reduced the size of the maxis (axis1) values in the bar chart.
Added 'coutline=same' to bar chart.

All the text and roads annotation used hard-coded projected x/y values.
I changed that to use lat/long values (and then re-did all the 
coordinates in the code - that was a *lot* of work, but it is much
more re-usable now!).

Rather than hard-coding the list of counties to include in the map, 
I use gproject's latmin= option to clip the map.

Not sure why they used 'id alpha county' for the gmap ... I let the 
ncmap data set keep the 'state' variable, and then used 'id state county'
in the gmap, which makes more sense (although for a single-state county map,
the county alone is enough to uniquely identify the areas).

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