Click here to see the SAS code. 
Click here to see the example.

Here is a 3rd Space Shuttle debris example, going to an even finer
level of granularity...

This example shows a detailed map of Nacogdoches county, Texas
(this is the county that got the "Lion's Share" of the space shuttle
debris).  I represent each piece of debris using an annotated red
'circle' (I use circles instead of solid dots, because it's easier
to distinguish overlapping circles).

When you mouse over the annotated circles, you'll see the debris
id# and long/lat in the html charttip/flyover-text, and when you 
click on it you'll see an image (if I had individual pictures for
each piece of debris, it could go to a unique/actual picture for
each one -- but since I don't have all the pictures, I just have
them all link to the same one for this example).  The charttip
and drilldown were done using the html title= and href= tags in
the annotate dataset's html variable.

The longitude/latitude gridlines were created using annotated 
dashed lines and labels.  

Probably the most "unique" thing in this example (at least, as
far as sas/graph 'proc gmap' is concerned) is that it has rivers
and roads on it.  These were done, of course, using annotate :)
I used sas/gis to pull this info from the "SAS/GIS Census Tract Maps"
that are shipped with sas/gis.  Here is exactly how I did that ...

  Click here to see the exact instructions and SAS code


In more recent years, I have found a better way to annotate 
roads & rivers (and lakes) on maps - see my blogs for details!

See my blog for more information about this graph!

See my blog for more information about this graph!

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