Click here to see the SAS code. 
Click here to see the example.

Normally, "proc gmap" only lets you put one marker on each state
(using 'block'), but in this example I've written some annotate code 
to use a grid of dots instead.  The number of dots represent the quantity
of wheat (bushels per acre) in each state.

I use the annotate dataset's "html" variable to add the 'title' 
charttip/flyover-text, so you can mouse over the grid of dots
and see the state name and value.

And, I use the "iback" goption to draw the image of a wheatfield
in the background.

This type of map is better suited for some types of data, and 
of course it would not work well in the small states in the northeast.

This data is not particularly well suited for this kind of map, but, 
it shows that SAS can indeed do this 'classic' type of map.

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