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Imitation & enhancement of

Using data from...

This is a U.S. map showing the average credit score for 
each state.  I think my map is much better than the original
(see link above), in particular because I picked more 
meaningful colors, so you can easily tell at-a-glance
which states are above & below the national average.

The 'tricky' parts here ... I use the uscenter data set
to specify the locations for my annotated labels, and 
I move the label for Hawaii because it's hard to read
when it is over the islands.  I also add html mouse-over
text to the annotated state labels, so users can mouse-over
them to see the credit score (this helps with very small 
'states' like DC, that you can't mouse-over easily).
There's also a url link in the footnote, and the legend
is 'offset' from its standard position.

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