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This is a SAS/Graph imitation (and enhancement) of some graphs from
the following report:

I use several 'tricks' ...

The red bars pointing to the left (for mislabeled fish) are actually
negative numbers, but I suppress the axis so you don't see those
values as negative.

I annotate the absolute values of the fish numbers at the ends of 
the bars.

I sort the data in the desired bar-order, and then assign a numeric
values, and have those values 'print' as the desired fish name
by using a user-defined format (which is generated from the data).

I annotate the headers at the top of the columns, and I underline
them by overlaying some underline characters in the same spot.

I use a 'by' statement to create a plot for each city, and I 
insert the by-value into the title.

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